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by John Hill
LENT TRYING TO ESCAPE THE WILDERNESS A Meditation John Hill There are many wild landscapes, wildernesses in various parts of the world, where the terrain dramatically changes and challenges, either geographically, or climatically. Where extremes are encountered either on land ,de…
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 24 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 24 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 24 Isaiah 45.1–7 1 Thessalonians 1.1–10 Matthew 22.15–22 The question as weapon is one of the oldest techniques in controversy. You will hear it used to perfection most mornings on the radio. The art is to find the question to …
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Jesus the teacher (2)
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Jesus the teacher (2)
by BRF - Rona Orme
Jesus taught with authority. He taught that his words and instructions are the correct way to live - looking after people in need, not being greedy, not judging others, and asking God for the things we need. This session highlights the importance of basing our lives on his teachi…
the historical character of Jesus - 1b Sources for the study of Jesus
the historical character of Jesus - 1b Sources for the study of Jesus
by SPCK - David Allen
Sources for the study of Jesus At the outset of our discussion, though, it is probably worth establishing the purpose or value of an exercise such as this. After all, books on Jesus abound, not perhaps to the scale alluded to in John 21.25, but to a significant extent nonetheless…
the historical character of Jesus - 9 Conclusion: the canonical Jesus
the historical character of Jesus - 9 Conclusion: the canonical Jesus
by SPCK - David Allen
Conclusion: the canonical Jesus In the previous seven chapters, we have focused on the various constituent texts of the New Testament, specifically the non- Gospel material, in an attempt to consider how each text, or group of texts, goes about presenting the figure of Jesus of N…
the historical character of Jesus - 9b The plurality of the canonical Jesus
the historical character of Jesus - 9b The plurality of the canonical Jesus
by SPCK - David Allen
The plurality of the canonical Jesus As a minimum, our analysis has revealed the diversity of the images of Jesus located under the canonical umbrella, the way in which his identity is named and expressed in a variety of fashions…
Stations PPT
Stations PPT
by Graeme Dutton
Welcome to ‘Stations’ In the church this evening you will find a series of paintings that follow Christ's journey to the cross. With each painting you will find a piece of scripture that tells part of the story of Christ’s Passion. Please feel free to spend as long as you wish wi…
Herod Antipas Muses